

1) Långmossa, Malax, Thursday 16th July[caption id="attachment_177" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Långmosskarta Långmossa[/caption] Welcome home, In Långmossa, we invite you to an easily runnable forest on a good ground. The age of the vegetation varies from primeval forest to new plantations. The visibility is mainly good, even better than two  years ago, when the FSOM – Finno-Swede Orienteering Federation – middle distance championships were held here. The courses are set in the best part of the terrain, so get ready for  enjoyable orienteering. Johan Holmback Land owner and leader of the course planners

2) Öjen, Sundom, Vaasa, Friday 17th July
[caption id="attachment_178" align="aligncenter" width="415"]Öjenkarta3x2 Öjen[/caption] At Öjen, the longer courses pass through a Natura area, where the terrain is ”primeval forest, never touched by an ax” and mainly spruce forest. Preserving the nature restricts the freedom of movement. The ground is good, with small, open marshes and marsh slumps helping you to keep the direction. Near the competition centres and on the shorter courses you will find younger forest, partly thinned out. There, the visibility is better and cutting areas, ditches and paths lead you forward. The area is rather flat and the rocks are pictured on the map the Vaasa way – simplified, but successfully. Mauri Kerätär Head of the course planners [gallery link="file" columns="4" ids="356,355,354,352"]
3) Kuni, Korsholm, Saturday 18th July
[caption id="attachment_176" align="aligncenter" width="490"]Kunikarta5x5 Kuni[/caption] The Kuni terrain is known from several competitions and regarded as one of the best orienteering areas in the region. It mainly consists of detailed rock terrain, crowned by the 41 metres high Märkenkall. Rich in detail, the area gives no notable favours to those who have competed here before. The best part of the terrain is used for the competition. Therefore, the courses have a great number of controls. The location of the competition centre enables all classes to enjoy the finest terrain. The photo collage on the website is a widespread collection, shot following the hiking trail through the area. Next to the competition centre, we park on a field. Drive slowly and carefully, especially if the weather is wet. Welcome to Kuni, Ingmar Bäckström Course planner (as well as photographer and master of Foxie, the Basset Fauve de Bretagne in the mid-picture below) [gallery link="file" ids="141,140,139,138,137,136,135,134,133,132,131,130,129,128,127"]]]>